Category — reviews
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Wind Turbines: Some Deeper Questions
Wind turbines are sprouting up like industrial mushrooms in many rural regions. Nina Pierpont, a rural physician living in upstate New York, writes about health impacts suffered by people living close to wind turbines. Although it covers an important topic, the book is essentially about human health and does not discuss the deeper aspects of ecosystem health, write Nova Scotia deep ecologists David Orton and Helga Hoffman-Orton.
May 14, 2010 2 Comments
Climate Change Pollyannas
Global Warming For Dummies can raise a person’s general level of knowledge about climate change. But by offering solutions from an individualist perspective and promoting optimism in fighting climate change, Green Party leader Elizabeth May has chosen to play the Pollyanna, writes David Orton in this critical review.
March 14, 2009 1 Comment